Saturday, December 10, 2011

Democrats Bring Up Reagan and Tax Cuts

We all know that the first caucus will be held in Iowa in the coming weeks. In an attempt to steer voters to the Democratic side, an independent support group know as the Priorities USA will launch an ad regarding payroll tax cuts.

Although both parties agree that it is necessary to make taxes fair, they disagree as to how this should be done. Currently, many of the rich pay little to no taxes while middle class workers are paying upwards of 30%. While the Republicans wish to place a burden on the middle class, the Democrats argue that it is unfair and they cannot afford it. Rather, a plan should be executed similar to that of Ronald Reagan. Reagan argued that we should "close the unproductive tax loopholes that have allowed some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share." This ad which is supposed to be released in Iowa next Thursday, may change the tide of the GOP.

This is not the first time that a former president has been used as a role model for taxes.  When Obama was considering increasing taxes, a conservative group known as Crossroads GPS released an ad that criticized Obama. This ad asks the question, "is a tax increase necessary to support the government?"

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